Kitten Corner: Why Cats Scratch and Bite?
Don’t be scared by your kitten’s playful or aggressive behavior! While sometimes scratching and biting can be signs of aggression, most of the time it’s perfectly normal behavior — just watch out for your kitten’s claws! Scratching and biting are part of how kittens communicate with one another, and they also play an important role in your kitten’s cognitive development.
When they need attention
It's important to understand why cats scratch and bite so that you can provide the best possible care for them. Cats scratch and bite for a variety of reasons, including when they're feeling threatened, when they're in pain, or when they're trying to get your attention. If you think your cat is scratching or biting because they need attention, try buying some pet products online or scheduling an online vet consultation. You'll be able to find all the information you need about how to better care for your feline friend and how to stop this behavior from happening again.
When they are playing
Kittens scratch and bite each other during play. This is normal behavior that helps them learn how to use their claws properly. As they get older, they will learn to control their strength. If you have a kitten that is too rough, try playing with them using a toy instead of your hand.
When they are feeling threatened: A cat may also scratch or bite when they feel threatened. This could be because they are scared of something or someone new in their environment. If your cat is doing this, try to make them feel more comfortable by slowly introducing the new person or thing into their space.
When they are sick or in pain: Unfortunately, sometimes cats will also scratch or bite when they are sick or in pain.
When they have been isolated from you too long
A cat's natural instinct is to explore and hunt. When they're bored, they may start to see you as their prey. To keep your kitty happy and avoid getting scratched or bitten, provide them with plenty of toys, like a Smarty Cat Toy. If you're gone all day, consider getting a cat sitter or looking into a cat daycare. You can also find some great advice from a Cat Vet Online. He or She explains that if your cat has started scratching at the door when he or she is inside, it could be because the cat sees outside as his territory and feels the need to patrol it. Putting a toy at the bottom of the door might help stop this behavior by giving them something more appropriate to do. For cats who have become victims of this annoying behavior for some other reason, though, we recommend contacting a Cat Vet Online for help!
When they have been scratched by another cat
If your cat has been scratched by another cat, it's important to understand why. Cats scratch and bite for a variety of reasons, including self-defense, hunting, and territoriality. If you have a new kitten, make sure to provide plenty of scratching posts and toys to help them relieve stress. You can also talk to veterinarian at Pettofit about possible solutions to help keep your kitty calm and safe. An online veterinary care specialist at Pettofit recommends this toy as an outlet for scratching instincts.
A smarty cat toy is the perfect solution if your kitty needs a toy that offers natural challenges and the satisfaction of tearing something apart while still giving your pet the safety they need to avoid hurting themselves or damaging household items.
When they are teething
A lot of people think that when their cats scratch or bite them, it's because they're angry. But more often than not, it's actually because they're teething. Kittens start to teeth around 4 months old, and the process can last up to 6 months. During this time, their gums are sore and inflamed, and they often crave something to chew on to help relieve the pain. Unfortunately, our hands are often the closest thing available.
Buy pet products online from Pettofit that will help with this such as a scratching post for them to sink their claws into or teething toys that will help massage their gums.
When they have been startled
A cat's natural reaction when they have been startled is to scratch or bite. This is their way of defending themselves. However, sometimes they can get a little too excited and may accidentally scratch or bite you. If this happens, don't worry, it's usually not intentional. Just try to calm them down and provide them with a safe place to hide if they need it.
When you catch them doing something wrong
It is commonly believed that cats scratch or bite when they are angry. But that's not always the case! Sometimes, cats scratch or bite because they're trying to communicate something to their humans. For example, if a cat is feeling threatened or scared, they might lash out with their claws. If a cat is feeling playful, they might nibble on your hand as if it were a toy. It's important to try to understand why your cat is scratching or biting before taking any disciplinary action.